LookyWeed Cannabis Writer Guidelines
Welcome to the LookyWeed Cannabis Writer section.
If you love cannabis and writing about cannabis, we’d love to work with you.
Each month, LookyWeed garners hundreds of thousands of page views from users in search of answers, solutions, and general cannabis information.
Share your cannabis experiences, observations, and expertise. This is a great way to enrich LookyWeed’s users with high-level cannabis knowledge and strengthen your personal brand.
Contact usIf you’re interested in writing for LookyWeed, please understand the following:
All content written for LookyWeed must be uniquely written for LookyWeed and pass a 98-100% plagiarism test.
We allow (1) outbound / external link per 1,000 words.
Please do not include overly promotional content sections. All content must provide value for LookyWeed users.
If you would like to submit a promotional content piece, there is a one-time submission fee.
You must include a minimum of (4) internal hypertext links for every 1,000 written words. These internal links should have SEO in mind, add value to the content of your article, and lead users to relevant LookyWeed pages.
All articles should be 800-1,000+ words.
Make sure your article is edited before submitting it; no edits should be necessary. You must cite any information or quotes from other sources, whether you are paraphrasing or directly quoting.
Format Your Articles Properly:- Capitalize the First Letter of all Titles & Headers
- Bold new sections [H2]’s [H3’s] etc.
- Tell us what your Focus keyword phrase is for the article
- Write the Title & Meta Description
Make sure your content is easy to digest or explained well, as many new cannabis users are out there! Think about how you can take a fresh approach to an old subject, including your unique experiences, knowledge, and knowhow.
Our Editing Process:- LookyWeed reserves the right to make any final edits to the article you’ve submitted.
- We accept articles in the form of Google Docs only.
- Publication time can vary; expect 1-5 weeks.
Become a Verified LookyWeed Cannabis Writer & Gain CannaKlout!
To become a verified LookyWeed Cannabis Writer, you must write 15,000 words of unique content that we publish (minimum 8 articles.) If you are interested in becoming a Verified LookyWeed Cannabis Writer, we can provide you with outlines for your content.
A verified LookyWeed Cannabis writer:- Becomes eligible for payment per article
- Gets a full author BIO, where you can include external links
- We will help you grow your personal brand as a cannabis expert